Foot Mobilisation Therapy (FMT) is one of the most common therapies implemented by our Podiatrists at Saltfleet Clinic.
What it is and how it works
FMT involves gentle mobilisation and manipulation of the joints in your foot. It releases the restrictions of connective tissues that have developed over our lifetime and stimulates synovial fluid production for lubrication and cartilage nutrition. Joints which may be stiff (or hypo-mobile) and not functioning at their best will be treated (usually throughout a range of appointments deemed suitable by your podiatrist) to restore normal range of motion. These restricted joints can be a possible cause of your foot or ankle complaint and may be a barrier to full recovery.
The importance of FMT
The feet are so important, and their impact is felt by the rest of the body daily. If a joint or muscle restriction is present in the foot or ankle, restrictions may occur more proximally in the knee, hip or even the lower back!
Your Podiatrist will initially assess the range of motion of your joints and muscles in your foot to identify any restrictions. If areas of your foot or ankle are restricted and your podiatrist believes you will benefit from FMT, we can begin straight away!
Adjuncts to treatment
As this is an adjunct therapy, throughout your appointments your podiatrist will likely prescribe some at-home exercises to complement FMT and restore pain free motion. FMT can also occur in conjunction with orthotic therapy and footwear modification.
Conditions FMT has had success in treating:
- Heel pain and plantar fasciopathy - Ankle sprains and weak ankles - Osteoarthritis pain - Achilles tendinopathy - Morton's neuroma - Arch pain
To make an appointment with one of our Podiatrists trained in FMT, call 8186 1963
